The question in the caption above was asked by Paul the apostle from the lord Jesus when He accosted him on his way to Damascus (Acts 9:6). Before this time, he had a self-designed mission, which was to persecute the saints of Jesus in Damascus, and to bring them bound to Jerusalem. On his way to this his counterproductive mission, he met the Lord Jesus. Then he asked Him this all important question, and the answer re-defined the rest of his life. The persecutor thereafter became the great proclaimer of the gospel, who went everywhere declaring Jesus and bringing multitudes of souls to the saviour. He became the apostle of Christ to the gentiles, wrote more than half of the New Testament, and was super busy for the course of Christ.
A man’s mission directs him. One cannot embark on a journey without a destination and a path. Life is a journey to eternity and the path to eternity with Jesus is through salvation in the lord Jesus. However, the path of service for everyone differs. He gave to some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists and some pastors and teachers (Eph 4: 11). Outside this, He gives specific talents for every individual to contribute to the gospel of the kingdom (Matt 25:14-30). There is an assignment for everybody who is saved and has accepted Him as Lord and Saviour We must however know, and be sure of that which is our mission here on earth. Whatever we do for the Lord must also point to the saving of souls; Whether we sing, usher people, encourage and edify, teach, help, evangelise and write, all must point towards salvation of souls and eternity with God in heaven.
As believers, we must have life goals, the items of purpose we want to live for on the broad terms. Paul the apostle towards his exit from earth said ‘I have finished my course’ (2 Tim 4:7). Jesus towards His death on the cross also said `I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do’ (John 17:4). If they did not know what God wanted them to do, they would not have known whether they were done or not. Since you believed, do you have a definite life direction? Think of organizations and educational institutions, they have visions & missions. What is your own mission here on earth? Or are you just living aimlessly and following the crowd? Waking and sleeping day-in day-out with no target in sight? Think about it, politicians even have their agenda. Some say 7-point agenda, others say 10-point and the likes. As the ambassador of Christ here on earth, what is your own agenda? What are you living for? What would Christ have you do after He saved you? You must discover your life’s big goal and aim at it. No longer delay in getting it done!
The wider goal must have smaller tasks that will eventually culminate in the bigger picture. Your to-do-list on daily basis, does it contribute to why you are here on earth? Or did you write your agenda, left it elsewhere and then pursue shadows on daily basis? You must go back and let your life have a meaning. Start doing things that will make you fulfilled when you breathe your last breath.
We must also seek directions from the Lord, both in major and simple matters of our lives. This world is a wide sea, and only God’s guiding hands can lead us across to the safe heavenly shore. Seek His directions on the choice of career, jobs, accommodation, marriage, relocation, business and other major issues. Seek him also in the seemingly non-consequential. Doing all of these will contribute to our eventual happiness and fulfilment.
At the end of our lives, there will sure be reflections on how we lived. Are we going to be happy that we have done what He wanted us to do, or regret that we didn’t go along the path He designed for us? When the owner of our breath takes it way, and tells us “time’s up”, opportunities lost may never be regained. We must seize every opportunity to do His will so we do not wail “had I known”. No longer delay! What is your agenda? What is written concerning you and how well have you fared doing the Father’s will? May you and I not regret but sing in fulfilment when our lives on earth are over (Amen).
© Pause and ponder