Life is to be accounted for
We’ll account for each passing day
Life is a loan we have to pay
To our Creator and Great Judge
Seconds culminate to minutes
Minutes to hours and then to days
Days into months and months to years
All these make our lifetime on earth
Each time we waste we can’t regain
It’s forever gone won’t come back
Hence the need to be wise indeed
And not allow precious time slip
Someday we’ll bid the world goodbye
Leave behind all we’ve acquired
Face eternal and endless days
Our days on earth to account for
There’ll be no time to make amends
There’ll be no time to make wrongs right
There’ll be no time to undo deeds
When we’ve commenced eternal days
It will be time for the rewards
Of all the deeds and all the works
It will be time to reap the fruits
That we had sown in seeds of time
If for the Lord we’ve toiled and worked
If in His service we’ve been spent
If for Him our all we’ve given
We’ll have a good account to give
If we’ve been idle and lukewarm
Unconcerned about the Lord’s work
Always an excuse there to give
Remember we will give account
If we’ve refused to help the poor
Although with life’s good we were filled
If our talents we’ve wasted too
Every account we’ll surely give
If our salvation we’ve delayed
Until death knocks and we are gone
All our deeds we will account for
From the records heaven wrote down
Life is to be accounted for
How do you spend each passing day
Life is a loan you’ll one day pay
Make amends now before too late