In developing countries, sometimes, the electricity supplied is either too high or too low. Whenever there is a surge of electricity, multiple electronics may be damaged at the same time. So it is when a believer gives in to the devil because of a surge in temptations. Whenever we give way to Satan or fall into his trap, multiple damages can be incurred within a very short time.

Remember the case of King David when he fell into the sin of adultery with Beersheba during an indolent time. He arranged cover-ups to make her husband responsible. It didn’t work. He then arranged for Uriah’s execution by setting him at the front of an ongoing battle while others retrieve form him. (2 Samuel 11-12)

King David later paid for all his sinful actions. He lost four of his sons and was chased away from the throne by a conspiracy spare-headed by one of his sons. He paid dearly for all his actions. Before you agree with the devil and yield to lust or any unwholesome emotions like anger, envy, and jealousy, think of the consequences and make bold to say no to the devil.

As humans, sometimes we offend one another based on our different backgrounds, temperaments, mindsets, and opinions. You may feel hurt because of what someone did to you. Wining in bitterness and unforgiveness is a bad current that will make your prayers unanswered and could result in some diseases. Whenever you are hurt, let go and let God. If it is difficult for you, pray for the grace to forgive and seek sanctification also, so your whole will is yielded to the Lord.

Worldliness is another bad current. It is a canker that eats slowly and dissipates our spiritual energy. It dulls your spiritual perception and tilts one into spiritual slumber. The age we are in has heightened moral decadence but we must stand aright as Christians doing only what the Bible supports and what the Spirit bids us do.

False teaching and doctrine is another bad current that quenches the light of God in Christians. It paints sin as mild and does not accept the totality of the word of God. It modernizes Christianity as if the Ancient-of-days had changed His name. The Bible is still relevant in all areas of life today. Any teaching that contradicts its revelation is false and a current that will cause havoc to lives and families.

Guard your heart against unholy feelings and anything outside the revealed truth of God’s word (Proverbs 4:23). It is a bad current and would cause untold havoc. Be wise!

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