When God seems silent
And all around you look so bleak
With pray’rs unanswered
And heaven to you seems like brass
When God seems silent
And so perplexed you gaze around
You’re not to give up
But for the reasons you should seek
When God seems silent
He may be asking you to search
Your heart and conscience
For deeds of which you must repent
When God seems silent
It may mean you have gone astray
And God is waiting
For you to trace your steps back home
At times He’s silent
To test your faith and trust in Him
To make you stronger
Perfected when the storms are o’er
He may seem silent
To teach you how to wait on Him
Until your change comes
And to His image you conform
When God seems silent
It may be He’s been whispering
But you can’t hear Him
Because of all the noise around
You’ve been too busy
To hear His still small voice so clear
Enter your closet
And you’ll find He’s been waiting there
When God seems silent
My brother you’re not to despair
Sister don’t give in
To satan’s despicable tricks
At such a season
Just seek the Lord’s face once again
You’ll get revival
You’ll get restored to Him again
When God seems silent
Friend take some time to kneel and pray
Ask for directions
Go through His word to know His mind
And when you hear Him
Be prompt to do all what He says
And then the silence
You’ve felt will end you’ll reconnect.