Readiness for the rapture
Is not just by word of mouth
Living pure and living right
Necessary to go with Christ
Readiness for the rapture
Not just by change of dressing
Not just by change in language
But a change in way of life
Readiness for the rapture
Not just by going to church
Not just by the title too
That the church bestowed on you
Readiness for the rapture
Is not by sanctimony
But by being saved from sin
And living daily like Christ
Readiness for the rapture
Not just by wishful thinking
It is not a game of chance
You must live in readiness
Readiness for the rapture
Is by daily living right
Not by our years of service
In the vineyard of the Lord
Readiness for the rapture
Is compulsory we ensure
For anyone left behind
Will regret he missed the flight
Readiness for the rapture
We must take seriously now
So we are not left behind
And with sinners face the Beast
Readiness for the rapture
It’s important we make sure
So the coming of the Lord
Does not take us unawares
If you are yet in your sins
Or you’re living carelessly
Do repent and that right now
For the trumpet will soon sound