When you know you’re yet unsaved
But you put off salvation
Not today but by and by
And you wait until too late
Then you are a careless soul
When I hear the Spirit’s voice
Saying my child do take heed
But I choose to do my will
And the gentle Spirit hush
Then I am a careless soul
When you know you’re still in sin
But keep playing religion
Name not in the book of life
And you do not ensure same
Then you are a careless soul
When o’er other souls I watch
And I o’er my soul won’t watch
When I talk of holiness
But live in hypocrisy
Then I am a careless soul
When to others you say pray
And your life so pray’rless is
When you teach “read your Bible”
But you’ll hardly do the same
Then you are a careless soul
When I talk so much of Heav’n
But my treasure on earth is
When I warn of Christ’s return
But I live in compromise
Then I am a careless soul
When you warn sinners of hell
And you’re heading the same way
And you warn others of sin
But you toy with secret sin
Then you are a careless soul
When I talk of saving grace
And the works of flesh I do
When I know my life is cold
And I pretend I’m on fire
Then I am a careless soul
When you keep delaying still
Restitutions to be done
When you renege on your vows
To serve the Lord till the end
Then you are a careless soul
Friend are you a careless soul
Is your life one with a but
Do not say no, I am not
Make sure you’re really not one
So you’ll not regret at last
If in you you’ve noticed traits
Of some careless deeds and words
Go to Christ the Lord in pray’r
Make amends and that right now
Do not wait to pray too late
Careless souls won’t Heaven gain
If till death they careless are
Friend repent before too late
Lest you face the shame and pain
Of eternity in hell
Reflect on this refrain by James H. Stanley (1909)
“Careless soul, oh, heed the warning,
For your life will soon be gone;
Oh, how sad to face the judgment,
Unprepared to meet thy God.”