It’s still the Covid-19 pandemic as nations of the world have not got an actual solution to the dreaded disease. So many propositions and claims on solutions had been put up- from teas to spicy teas, then mixtures, herbs and vaccines. The world is gradually settling down to live with the virus, as is the case with other infections that has been part of living. The solution so far, is to stick to preventive measures such as washing of hands, wearing masks, social distancing among others.
Banks, super markets and other public places have put measures in place to ensure these preventions are adhered to by the public. Anyone who comes to any of these places without a face mask would be denied entrance into the premises. The other day, I saw an advert on the highway that read ‘Lagos Mask up’. At another time, someone forgot her face mask at home. She went searching for face masks in stores before she could enter a supermarket in the neighborhood to get urgent groceries for her family. Some go back home to pick forgotten face masks and some keep in the car to forestall forgetting and getting caught by security men.
On the last day also, only those with spotless righteous garments will be allowed entrance into paradise. Jesus spoke a parable in Matthew 22: 1-14 of a king who organized a wedding party for his child. Someone that had no wedding garment was found there and the king commanded he be banished to outer darkness where there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Do you have a wedding garment for the marriage supper of the Lamb? Are you saved? Washed in the blood of the Lamb? Or are you still dilly-dallying. No time to waste any longer. You must be washed in Jesus blood and obtain eternal salvation if you would be allowed entrance into the Holy city. Repent, confess your sins and be saved now.
Today’s face masks come in different types, shapes, textiles and colors. The garment of eternal salvation should be white and spotless like a wedding dress. No stain of compromise or sin no matter how minute it may seems. Believers who had obtained eternal salvation in Christ must diligently strive to keep their garments spotless. No room for compromise, or sitting on the fence when you have to take a stand for your faith.
The time is short. Whatever decision you have to make to prepare for eternity, must be done urgently, with much importance attached to it. Although the other woman went looking for face masks in stores, before entrance into the supermarket, at rapture, there will be no chance for that. Remember the parable of the ten virgins, the five foolish virgins who went looking for oil for their lamps when the bridegroom had come already, never got a chance to enter into the wedding. Make your restitutions. Forgive those who hurt you. Take your stand when tempted. Examine yourselves now and settle your accounts with God for there won’t be time to do so when the bridegroom appears in the sky.
How about your wedding garment for the Lamb’s marriage? If you’ve got no one, get one! If you have, keep it white!! May God’s keeping hand uphold you and me till we enter the pearly gates. (Amen).