Zacchaeus: an example for sincere seekers (Luke 19:1-10)

Zacchaeus was a man
A chief among the publicans
And although so rich
He had a little stature too
He sought to see Christ
But could not for the teeming crowd
He climbed up a tree
Not giving in to hindrances
Despite all the odds
And condemnation from the crowd
His mind was made up
A glimpse of Christ he sure must have
Zacchaeus did not know
That Jesus Christ knew him by name
Christ came to the place
And took a special note of him
Christ called out to him
Make haste and come down from the tree
For today I’ll be
At thy house and thy guest will be
He made haste came down
And received Christ so joyfully
He confessed his faults
Salvation came to Zacchaeus’ house
When you seek the Lord
And out of your way look for Him
He’ll sure locate you
For He seeks you in the first place
Your sin may be great
And men may say you’ve gone too far
The Lord will forgive
If you repent and come to Him
No one ever comes
In earnest and a humble plea
That He will reject
He died for every sinful man
Jesus knows your name
He’s calling out to you today
My child come back home
I came to die so you may live
Hear His loving voice
Today decide to heed His call
He won’t reject you
He came to seek and save the lost
No longer delay
Tomorrow may be just too late
Yield to Him right now
His loving child you will become (AMEN)