Why should I be ashamed
Of standing for the truth
Why should I be ashamed
Of doing what is right
Why should I be ashamed
Of living pure and true
Why should I be ashamed
Of difference from the world
Why should I be ashamed
Of being born again
And being a new man
Who is now saved by grace
Why should I be ashamed
Of having fellowship
With those who’re saved from sin
By Heaven recognized
Why should I be ashamed
Of following the Lord
When the servants of sin
Are not ashamed of sin
Why should I be ashamed
When I live pleasing Him
Why should I be ashamed
When His servant I am
Why should I be ashamed
Saying I won’t join them
When the suggestions come
To sin and compromise
Why should I be ashamed
Standing for righteousness
Why should I be ashamed
Living for God’s own praise
Why should I be ashamed
Taking my stand for Christ
Telling the world I’m not
One of its very own
Why should I be ashamed
Denying self and sin
Why should I be ashamed
Taking a righteous stand
Why should I be ashamed
Living a holy life
When sinners wouldn’t mind
Living immorally
Why should I be ashamed
Denying what’s impure
Sinners are not ashamed
Of doing what is wrong
Why should I be ashamed
Living so differently
Telling the world I won’t
Accommodate its style
Why should I be ashamed
Of dressing holily
Why should I be ashamed
When to them I look strange
Why should I be ashamed
Of preaching to sinners
Telling them to repent
And leave their lives of sin
They may laugh me to scorn
My warnings they may spurn
Why should I be ashamed
Of rescuing their souls
Why should I be ashamed
When persecutions come
Because I wouldn’t bend
Adjust to sinful ways
Knowing that some great day
Before the Lord I’ll stand
To render an account
Of how I lived on earth
Of Christ I’m not ashamed
His glory I’ll proclaim
I’m bold to testify
To Jesus I belong
I’ll daily take my stand
Declare to all around
That I’m not of this world
For Heaven I am bound. Amen