Hiding in the secret

And toying with sin
Living very reckless
Salvation delayed

Nobody is seeing
Maybe so you think
God’s great eyes are open
Seeing every deed

When the last trumpet blows
Only those ready
Will go with the Master
Some’ll be left behind

‘Twill be a disaster
If the flight you miss
There will be no waiting
For those not ready

Never miss the rapture
Don’t experience it
Don’t ever miss Heaven
Or you’ll regret it

No greater disaster
Than missing Heaven
No greater disaster
Than going to hell

No greater disaster
Than gnashing the teeth
And forever wailing
In eternal flames

Dear Lord help your children
With the grace we need
To make sure of Heaven
Live eternally

Help us preach the gospel
Warning souls who’re lost
For great’s the disaster
Of missing Heaven

Help us to live holy
Help us to live right
Help us to make Heaven
Keep us wholly yours. Amen

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