Discouragement can be described as a state of being tired and frustrated, borne out of the feeling that there is no hope. To be discouraged portrays that you are no longer willing to be patient to receive what the Lord promised. It comes with the negative feeling that there is no way out, and sometimes results in confusion that leads to making costly mistakes. In extreme cases, some persons get discouraged to the point of considering the option of suicide.
Christianity is a journey with God with different stages of experiences both positive and negative. God did not promise us a journey through this world, that is without temptations and trials but He said He will not allow us to be tempted beyond our capacity (1 Corinthians 10:13). He also said that in the world, we will face diverse tribulations but we should be cheerful for He Has overcome the world (John 16:33).
There are so many life challenges that can confront Christians in their journey to eternity which can bring up discouragement such as lack of job, late marriage, marital turbulence, lack of money, delay in childbearing, poor career advancement among others. Discouragement works with fear and uncertainties and it is a powerful tool in the hands of the devil to deter the children of God from continuing on the narrow road. Satan uses this tool to hold allegation against the children of God knowing fully that God requires His people to trust in Him faithfully and absolutely.
Satan sometimes uses the weapon of discouragement at the edge of breakthrough, to hinder the benefits of patience. He makes use of the spirit of heaviness and deep thinking to prevent the believer’s remembrance of the pleasant testimonies of what God has done in the past. He makes the believer to focus and concentrate on the little persistent storm, to distract the believer from the greater glory ahead. The devil knows that there are many testimonies attached to the breakthrough ahead and one of the tools to abort this great future is to fill the mind with uncertainties, raising up more dust of storms to make Christians lose hope. He will make the tunnel to appear darker and deeper despite the believer getting nearer the end of the tunnel and bright light.
The spirit of discouragement has made many Christians to stumble while trying to seek alternatives outside Christ and some have lost all, including their lives, in this ugly instance. There are examples of those that were faced with challenges in the Bible and who overcame. God instructed David to pursue, overtake and recover all after he was depressed. He had cried bitterly, the people around him had thought of stoning him, seeing no hope in recovering all the human and material losses, but David encouraged himself in the Lord. He enquired from God on what to do and was victorious. Hannah was depressed, frustrated and very disturbed because she had no child. Her persistent faith, prayer and hope in God made her victorious eventually. Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den, fear and discouragement would have made him deny God but he faced the den of lions victoriously. Elijah at a point in ministry got discouraged and asked for death due to discouragement. He wouldn’t have been able to complete his ministry victoriously, getting carried to Heaven in chariots of fire had he completely yielded to this satanic tool, discouragement. Elisha did not listen to the voice of discouragement and he received the double portion of anointing.
Beloved, the devil would not watch you shine and fulfil your destiny in God without launching an attack, he wouldn’t see you move along the narrow path smoothly without tempting your faith in Christ. The weapon with which to conquer the devil is persistent faith, prayers and hope in God, definitely the light is very near. When God said it, He will do it. Our time is not His, we can’t dictate for Him, delay is not denial, His promises can never fail. His words are Yes and Amen. Keep on trusting, keep on believing, never give up, He will see you through. Amen