“You just can’t tell, it may happen amidst it all.” That was Rolby’s response to her sister’s chat. They lived thousands of miles apart and haven’t seen each other in a couple of years. There had just been an outbreak of an epidemic in her neighbourhood which left scores of deaths in its trail. As if that wasn’t enough, a natural disaster occurred following the epidemic, claiming lots of lives and property. Every member of her immediate family was fortunate to be alive, although most of their investments were gone.
Ricley her sister also had her own stories to tell; life hasn’t been same where she lived too. No one could sleep with the two eyes closed any longer. The ongoing war in a state previously booming and peaceful has left many dead with those alive living in abject poverty. The place she called home had been reduced to rubbles. She couldn’t get a pin out, except her mobile phone. Fortunately, she had been relocated to the Internally Displaced Persons camp set up by the government and a Charitable Organization. They were on hand to render any needed assistance.
Recent happenings in the world should jolt all believers who are currently slumbering to life. Wars, famine, earthquakes, epidemics and pandemics, horrendous killings and unimaginable wickedness are all terms we are familiar with these days. There is no part of planet earth that is not feeling the effect of the end times. Unfortunately, not many can see the signs of times or decode the handwriting on the wall. Amidst all these happenings, the trumpet may sound. Christian, how ready are you for home?