You will finish strong
That’s God’s desire for you
You will not give up
However hard the trials
You will win the race
Despite the countless hurdles
You won’t compromise
No matter the temptations
You will finish strong
Remember where you started
You can’t back out now
Can’t go back into Egypt
Though your strength is weak
And your knees very feeble
Just make up your mind
Get revived and keep running
You will finish strong
Don’t give in to the devil
Don’t listen to him
Don’t yield to his suggestions
He’ll tell you you’re weak
And unable to make it
Hear your Saviour’s voice
My grace is enough for thee
You will finish strong
The pow’r of God is able
Your strength to renew
Your hands to hold to the end
Heaven is our goal
And by His grace we’ll get there
Quit like men be strong
We’re nearer home than ever
Now say to yourself
By God’s grace I’ll finish strong
No matter the test
And no matter the tempest
I’ve made up my mind
I won’t go back to satan
I will finish strong
The robe of white I will wear
I will finish strong
I can see my crowns waiting
I can see my home
My mansions in glory land
All the saints I see
With my dear Saviour waiting
To welcome me home
To live in endless glory. Amen