Waiting for His return
My gracious friend who loves me so
Who gave His life for me
My precious soul died to redeem
Waiting for His return
The Son of God the spotless Lamb
The Saviour of the world
The soon returning King of kings
Waiting for His return
The One who Himself took my place
On that old rugged cross
He bore the shame of all my sins
Waiting for His return
My loving Shepherd Lord and King
Who’ll soon return again
As King of kings and Lord of lords
Waiting for His return
The Lord of the whole universe
The Judge of all the world
The Bridegroom of the Church is He
Waiting for His return
The Prince of Peace Emmanuel
The Bright and Morning Star
Eternal God and reigning King
Waiting for His return
And while I wait I’ll watch and pray
I’ll keep my garment pure
Bring in more souls into His fold
Waiting for His return
I’ll not be lukewarm won’t be cold
I’ll be on fire for Him
His grace for me sufficient is
Waiting for His return
I know before His throne I’ll stand
To receive my reward
One day ahead and one day sure
Waiting for His return
He’ll give to me just as I’ve toiled
Oh Lord help me to work
And serve you so acceptably
Waiting for His return
Dear one how will it be for you
Will your work get consumed
Will it withstand the test of fire
Waiting for His return
Will you be filled with agony
Will you be with the Lord
When your race here on earth is o’er
Waiting for His return
My friend have you been saved from sin
Are you prepared for Him
To meet Him when He comes again
Waiting for His return
Have you been washed in Jesus’ blood
If you still live in sin
Repent today before too late
Waiting for His return
Let’s all be wise and dutiful
Let us wise virgins be
Our lamps all trimmed our garments white
Waiting for His return
May our waiting not be in vain
May we be with the Lord
And live with Him eternally. AMEN