Maybe that’s why we’re so sad
May be reason for the tears
Maybe that’s what we’ve not learnt
Simply trusting Him
Maybe that’s why we’re not where
We ought to be at this time
Because we have failed to learn
Complete trust in Him
Feeling we should be in charge
Trying to make all ends meet
Leaving out our faithful Guide
And not trusting Him
Trying to joggle the odds
Asking people all around
Believing it’s hard to wait
Rarely trusting Him
Thinking the Lord is too late
Fearing it’ll get out of hand
And we will lose all control
Should we trust Him still
Agitated and anxious
We run from pillar to post
Fretful of what may betide
Never trusting Him
Sometimes we think our path clear
And no need to ask from God
We falter then run back home
Feebly trusting Him
However wise we may seem
He is Master over all
And it’s important to have
Daily trust in Him
He’s so concerned about us
Our faithful and loving Lord
Compassionate and so kind
Wants us to trust Him
Complete trust is not easy
Conflicting thoughts will be there
Negative situations
Would impair our trust
Storms will surely rock our boats
And the tempests too will rage
But surely we cannot sink
While we’re trusting Him
He is faithful to His word
He is God He cannot fail
Although answers seem delayed
Keep on trusting Him
Trust Him through the darkest night
Trust Him in the stormy sea
Trust Him morning noon and night
Constantly trust Him
While trusting obey His words
Don’t cut corners do not sin
Rely on His strength and grace
Till the end trust Him