I’ve got my mind made up
No matter what the cost
This heavenly city
I’m going to get there
So tough may be the way
So rough may be my path
Heavy may be my cross
But I’ll surely go through
I’ve endured trials sore
Countless my temptations
But despite all my cares
I’ll hold on to my Lord
Satan may try his best
My footsteps to derail
But Christ my Lord will keep
My soul from getting lost
I’ll not allow the stain
Of compromise and sin
For me no going back
I’ll hold on to the end
My friends may forsake me
The world may jeer at me
Acquaintances may flee
But I’ll keep serving Him
I’m waiting for the day
My Lord will come for me
I am not of this world
For Heaven I am bound
I’ll meet my Saviour King
For to Him I belong
I’ll meet my loved ones too
In the land of the blessed
I know my Lord loves me
By His strength I shall win
I’ll not fall by the way
His grace’s enough for me
I’ve got my mind made up
No matter what the cost
This heavenly city
I’m going to get there (AMEN)
What about you?