How stained are your hands
How bloody are they
The sleeping watchman
Warning not the souls
Your colleagues at work
And your neighbours too
Swiftly journeying on
Unto endless time
Freely do you share
Laugh and dine with them
Rarely do you talk
Of salvation free
You freely discussed
Politics and sports
But you felt awkward
Discussing the word
Sometimes you’ve got prompts
From the Holy Ghost
Telling you to preach
But these you have spurned
When one neighbour died
You became so sad
And full of regrets
You did blame yourself
When that dear one died
‘Cos you didn’t warn him
Of danger ahead
You repented then
And promised the Lord
You’ll always warn them
Before it’s too late
You’ve reneged again
Again and again
And more souls got lost
When the message comes
Of the sinners doom
You’ll promise you’ll preach
But you hardly do
Why will you go on
Disobedient still
Hands all stained and filled
With these lost souls blood
You can turn around
Ask for mercy now
Your hands washed and cleansed
With the Saviour’s blood
Up! Go to the field
Swiftly preach the word
To all still alive
Snatch their souls from hell
How stained are your hands
With the sinners’ blood
How clean will they be
On the judgment day
Hurry not along
After reading this
Make amendments now
Before it’s too late.
Note: Pause and ponder on this food for thought. Examine yourself, make amends as necessary. May we not be guilty at last. Amen