Heavy traffic was usually experienced in XFY city. The city was also notorious for having drivers that cared less about the rules of driving. This has often led to minor accidents as most cars had been brushed at the bumpers. It was another of such experience for Mrs. Febby on this Wednesday morning. On alighting from the car to find out who this was, a well-known man who was her church member had mistakenly hit her car, this time. Instead of the usual arguments on who was right often witnessed following such incidences, both parties apologized and went on their ways. Then Mrs. Febby felt how pleasant ’twill be if the whole world were born again believers in Christ.
Psalm 133:1-3 says how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. This passage described it as a pleasant and pleasurable experience. If all humans were believers, then engaging someone for a contract would be very easy. Putting people in charge of financial dealings would be without palpitations. There would be good relationships, understanding and love shared among families, workplaces and everyone. All would be quick to say sorry if offended and not play the Mr. Right. Everyone would dwell together in unity. However, the scripture must be fulfilled that there are 2 groups of people, heading to two different destinations while on earth. While a few are on the narrow way and are going Heavenward, many are on the broad road, heading towards eternal damnation in hell. There is however opportunity to repent and change destination while still alive.
Although the world currently knows no peace, a time of world-wide peace is coming, albeit just for a thousand years. This will be during the millennial reign of Christ after the great tribulation is ended. Christ, the Prince of peace, would return to reign on earth with His Saints who had earlier been raptured. It would be a time, when on earth, everything will be peaceful and there would be no sorrows, no sickness and no calamity. The general world-wide peace we all clamour for would at that time, be a reality. Remember, it is Christ and His Saints who would rule then, the sinners would not.
Heaven, the final destination of all saints will be a place of eternal bliss and lasting peace but no sinner will enter there. If you still toy with sin, repent, bid it goodbye and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. If your faith as a believer is shaky, it is time to get grounded, come to the Lord afresh and get your strength renewed. A time of pleasant peace is coming, what a wonderful day that will be! You should be part of it, so get prepared! It will be pleasant to live together in harmony.