Hast thou here any besides
Lot was asked by Angels then
All thy loved ones not a few
Bring them out before too late
He went out as instructed
To warn them so they’ll escape
The horror God would unleash
On Sodom and Gomorrah
But he seemed as one that mocked
To his sons in-law back then
It turned out they got consumed
In the flames that rained on them
Lot was saved they were destroyed
Though they had the chance to flee
They refused the escape route
The wrath of God they did choose
We’ve got loved ones too brethren
Who are yet to know the Lord
What have we done about them
So they’ll not be lost in hell
Have we warned them of the wrath
Just ahead of sinful souls
Who refuse to now repent
And return to Christ the Lord
Are our loved ones perishing
Although we love them so well
Do we God’s salvation plan
Show to them so they’ll be saved
Are our children really saved
Although heaven’s hope we have
Are our sisters and brothers
Free from God’s impending wrath
Is your mother heaven bound
Your dear father is he saved
Your cousins and neighbours dear
Are they still in sin today
I have warned them you may say
But they’ve in their sins remained
Do not give up warn them still
Lest like Sodom they’re destroyed
Hurry up do not delay
It’s an urgent task you’ve got
Pray them in before too late
Preach to them the saving truth
Noah was saved his household too
May none of ours be lost
May our loved ones be complete
In the mansions up on high. Amen