BE CAREFUL FOR NOTHING (Philippians 4:6-7)

Be careful for nothing
How often do we heed that
Heads bent down in sorrow
With feelings ‘no help in sight’
Weighed down by our burdens
Our crosses so heavy seem
Be careful for nothing
Christian hear your Saviour say
Feeling blue and lonely
Nothing just seems to work out
Tempted sore with trials
Fears within and fears without
Be careful for nothing
Although tempted to give up
There’ll sure be for you friend
Light instead of the dark clouds
Be careful for nothing
Though troubles are pressing hard
Problems like a mountain
Challenges just all around
Seeking for solution
The Saviour so gently speaks
Be careful for nothing
Your answer is at the door
Be careful for nothing
Philippians 4:6 doth say
Raise to God your requests
Supplicate with thanksgivings
And the peace of our God
Which passeth understanding
Shall keep your hearts and mind
Through Christ Jesus our dear Lord.
Be careful for nothing
It may seem so very hard
Barrages of problems
Your faith will try hard to sink
Lean on Christ the Saviour
Keep trusting His guiding hands
Soon the night of weeping
Will turn to the morn of joy. AMEN