Humans are social beings and long to always associate with others. Abraham Maslows’ theory of hierarchy of human needs identified this need as the second priority on the list of human needs- the need for love and belonging. The truth is no two humans can be together one hundred percent of the time. Only the true believers’ companionship with Christ can be one hundred percent.
Think of couples, they are the closest two fellows on earth as commonly remarked, but as close and intimate as any couple may be, they cannot be present and available for each other 100% of the time. One may sleep, go to work elsewhere, travel, get busy, the list goes on. So they cannot be together all the time but God’s love, care, and companionship are ever present and sure.
How about intimate friends who are passionate about each other. There are still circumstances beyond their control that may keep them separated for a while but God’s love and care never fails. We can call on Him at any time because the network will never be bad. There are no flat batteries that prevent our communion with Him. He sees our innermost desires even when there are no words to express them. He is the ever-present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1).
Humans who lack socialization with others suffer a great deal. Research has shown that premature babies who were never curdled/stroked or touched but only given food and water do not thrive like those who felt the presence and touch of others. Prisoners who are kept away from friends and families suffer a great deal of emotional torture. Those who were isolated from others in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, also suffered emotionally for not having physical interactions.
Our communion with Jesus is paramount. On His part, He is, at this age, hundred percent available to connect with us if we are willing and obedient to His word. We must avoid any sin of commission and omission that drives our spirit man away from the Lord. Our relationship with God is very important and we must be willing to give up anything to ensure we preserve this sweet fellowship with the Almighty. We must ensure daily fellowship with Him and have regular fellowship with other believers. It is so sweet to walk with the Master. He calms our fears, directs our paths, helps our infirmity, strengthens us when we are weak, the list is endless. It is such a rare privilege.
A sinner cannot walk with the Saviour by just going to church, reading the Bible, paying tithes, or getting engaged in church activities. There must be a deliberate encounter of the salvation experience that brings one close to Him. This makes Him live in you, so you can have that unique 100% companionship. You can do it now! Confess your sins, pray for forgiveness, forsake those sins and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Thereafter continue in your new-found faith.
No one can love you like Jesus. His companionship is unique and is 100%. May you never sever yourself from Him (Amen).