What will be the content
Should God write me a letter
Will I be applauded
Or get just condemnations
Will He be unhappy
With the state of my poor soul
Or will He be happy
Should He write me a letter
Will He say I’m standing
Or that I’ve left my first love
Will He be contented
Or have somewhat against me
Will He say I’m spotless
Or that I’ve stained my garment
What will be the content
Should God write me a letter
Will He say I’m careless
Prayerless and not watching
Will He say I’m worldly
And also compromising
Will He say I’m slumbering
Not ready for the rapture
What will be the content
Should God write me a letter
Will He say I’m lazy
Not busy with the gospel
Not preaching to sinners
No, not winning the lost ones
Will He say I’m wicked
And guilty of some lost souls
What will be the content
Should God write me a letter
Will He say I’ve gone back
Although I think I’m standing
Will He say He knows me
Or that I’m now a stranger
Will He say I’m living
Or that I’m now a dead soul
What will be the content
Should God write me a letter
Will He say I’m perfect
And living true and faithful
Will He say I’m His bride
My garment pure and holy
Will He say I’m waiting
And ready for His coming
What will be the content
Should God write me a letter
Ask yourself this question
Should God write you a letter
What will be the content
And what will be recorded
Will the Lord be happy
Or He’ll be disappointed
What will be the content
Should God write you a letter
Now it’s time to make sure
Of the state of our dear souls
For some day up yonder
Our life here He will review
Sure we know our actions
Daily He is recording
May we not be guilty
And may we not be condemned. Amen