It’s been the Covid- 19 lockdown now for a month and many things have changed, so many things have changed and many do not matter anymore. Our daily businesses and the impulse to keep going and going in search of money without a pause, matters no longer. Education with the high value placed on it now operates within a miniature, the best people can do now is to learn online. Our week days had muddled into weekends and we struggle to remember which day of the week we are in. So on the long run, the days will matter no more.
Our wardrobes, no matter how heavily stocked with new and top designs now matters no more. We are indoors and tell me, would you be decked while lying on your bed? Cars, flashy cars with any other luxury of travels now matters no more. The fastest you can go is to move in the neighbourhood and retire home. Comforts, entertainments and all the pop and shows of life is now at a halt. They can only rewind previous events.
So also, when this life is over, when we breathe our last breath, whatever matters now, will matter no more. This a time to reflect on our souls, when all is said and done, we will go back to our maker to give account of what was done in our body.
If you are not saved, or not so sure of your salvation, you can’t afford to still be unconcerned. Get on your knees, repent, seek for forgiveness and accept the Saviour. If you are born again already do not relent, keep in touch with your Saviour. Don’t be discouraged with affairs of life, keep getting set, at the long run, nothing will matter after all.