Never give up is a popular slogan for encouraging perseverance and consistency. As much as this is true on applaudable matters of life, there are also things we must give up to reach our desired goal. Athletes give up some meals to remain fit. Singers give up some content in their diet to ensure good quality of voice. In the Christian faith too, there are things to give up.
We must come to the Saviour, giving up our sins so we can be saved and have an eternal inheritance. Despite the sinful habits that might have become your nature, the Lord calls you to repentance so you can be free from your load of sin. He said, ‘come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, I will give you rest’ (Matt 11:28). Sometimes, when contemplating on whether to be saved, you may think of close friends who had been sin-partners that you need to separate from- girl/boyfriend, your acquaintance at the beer parlour or your partner in crime. Please give them up for a true and faithful friend- Jesus, He will abide with you till the end.
As believers, who are already following the Lord, we must give up things and issues that contend with God in our hearts. Those things which are rivals to our pleasing the Lord are idols, they are gods and we must give them up to serve God Almighty. We must give up games that contend with God and dressing styles that drive a wedge between us and Him. We must resolve to love God above all else (Matt 10:37).
There are times people offend us as believers, there is no way we can relate with others without unknowingly offending them in one way or the other. We must learn to forgive, let go and let God have His way. No matter how pained we feel at the actions of others, we must learn to forgive and not keep grudges. Jesus said we should forgive 70 x 7 times in a day, this implies we must forgive at all times.
Also, God blesses us with good things of life, He then demands a percentage of it in form of thithe and offering. Then we act like a child, holding and defending the gift from the giver. You say “the pressing needs are much and I can’t let go of this”, but what if you had nothing? You say “that is my last card, what do I spend after now?” You think myopic and act myopic. God has more than a thousand ways to bless you because He is sovereign. Give it up for the Lord, give in faith, like the woman of Zarephath and watch Him bless you tremendously.
Sometimes, we are seeking God for His will in one area of our lives, but deep within us, we have our own will that we wanted to be fulfilled. We have a checklist to box God to a corner and expect Him to comply with that as He leads us. We give conditions to the Almighty and had forgotten He is sovereign, He does as He wills (Dan 4:35) and the meek will He guide in judgement (Psalm 25:9). We must give up such mindsets, so we can perceive what He would have us do. We then can say like Mary, ‘…be it unto me according to thy word…’ (Luke 1:38). So, give it up! Let go and let God have His way.
© Pause and ponder.
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