There are times things get really so hard
No hope in sight and no friend on hand
Deep thoughts arising bugging your mind
Trouble within and trouble without
Sometimes you feel so lonely and sad
Nothing around you making you glad
Trying to make ends meet a huge task
Working so hard yet still in great lack
Sometimes you’re confused about some things
You’ve got no clues about what to do
Looking around solution seems far
Don’t be discouraged Jesus is there
Sometimes you get troubled and distressed
Weighed down by cares and burdened with stress
Friends not visiting brethren not there
There is a Saviour who cares for you
No one who cared when you were so sick
Hardly did they notice you were ill
No food to eat but no one bothered
Don’t let the devil ruin you will these
He’ll tell you give up they don’t love you
What are you doing in church again
See all your labour all now in vain
He wants to make you lose Heaven’s gain
No matter what your lot in life is
Keep on believing hold on to God
Do not forget your Saviour and Guide
He’s there for you whatever betides
And my dear brethren let us go back
To the times when we cared and we shared
Leave not that brother sister alone
Our brethren’s burdens we should all share
Bring someone laughter make someone glad
Share your time show someone that you care
May be so little better than none
Bring someone joy and dry someone’s tears
And when our Saviour returns again
Our faithful care and love He’ll reward
The cups of water given for Him