Sodom had not ten, no not up to ten righteous men
The city was filled, with unrighteous and sinful souls
Sorry was their state, they lived oblivious of the fact
That they’ll soon be lost, and fire from heaven would descend
They did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted too
They built and they lived not knowing their judgment was near
Then the judgment came, brimstone and fire destroyed them all
Unprepared they were and same is our own world today.
Evil everywhere, unrighteousness and sin abound
Sodomy and lust, probably worse than Sodom’s sin
Yet the Lord’s return, so imminent and close it is
Will the Lord find ‘ten’, will He find you a ready saint
So many in church, that sing praise worship and they dance
But they still abort, they fornicate and live in lust
Anger, pride and lies, their lives filled with yet they go on
Not minding the fact, that this world will soon be on fire
‘Christians’ keep malice, unforgiving yet ministering
They gossip and nag and claim the Lord’s return they wait
Carnal, worldly, cold and so full of presumptuous sins
Garments so defiled, the church so full of ‘sinning saints’
Sodom had not ten, unfortunate and sad it was
But let’s look inwards, with the state of the church today
Will the Lord find ‘ten’, will He find faith at His return
Will the Lord find you, worthy of Heaven’s street of gold
Do not be deceived, there’s no room for duplicity
You can’t be a saint, at the same time a sinning soul
Heaven’s not for those who cannot keep their garments pure
Through the grace of God and the ability Christ gives.
Sodom had not ten, though four escaped, just three remained
Lot’s wife had looked back, her remains a pillar of salt
Sodom dear to her, she couldn’t bear to leave behind
Disobedience made Lot’s wife to perish with the world
Sodom had not ten, how many does our nation have
Are you one of those who’ll perish or who will be saved
When the trumpet sounds, will you be one of the ransomed
That will go with Christ, and escape the wrath that’s to come
Sodom had not ten, will the Lord find ten among us
Examine yourself, be sure your name is in God’s book
Repent of all sins, restitute, make your ways all right
Then you will be sure, you’ll be among the faithful few