Sin is damning and sin is dangerous
Sin is destructive and sin is deadly
Sin is deforming and sin is defaming
Sin is damaging and sin is deafening
Sin is Satan Induced Nature
Sin is Satan’s Identity Number
Sin is Satan’s Imprinted Name
Sin is Satan’s Imparted Norms
Run from sin before you’re ruined
Stop that sin before you’re stopped
Cease from sin before you’re seized
Reject that sin before you’re rejected
Accommodate no sin, no sin so little
Accept no sin, no sin to love
Abide in no sin, no sin to live in
Adjust to no sin, no sin to toy with
Sin leads to hell, an eternity of shame
Sin debars from Heaven’s everlasting joy
Sin damages your health, you pine away
Sin destroys happiness and anything good
Cover up sin and know no prosperity
Cast away that sin and be freed
Confess that sin and have mercy
Come to the Lamb of God and be saved
Christ, the Solution to Sin, call on Him
Christ, the Sin bearer, confess to Him
Christ, the Substitute, cry to Him
Christ, the Saviour, come to Him
Come confessing, He will cleanse
Come repenting, He’ll forgive
Come forsaking, He’ll accept
Come surrendering, He will save
Come now He wants you home
Come now before too late
Come now while still you may
Come now make no delay