We live in a very busy world where one activity rolls into others. Our daily lives are sometimes cluttered such that we tend to lose control. This occasionally affects our concentration and memory and we forget where we place items. Has it ever happened to you that what you’ve been searching for desperately was right within your reach? You looked for your pair of glasses and found you had already worn them. You searched everywhere for your mobile phone whereas you had previously placed it in your handbag. There is a West-African adage that says what one searches for in far away city, is actually in one’s pocket.
As believers, we have solutions to many of the challenges we face in life. The Lord demands that we ask, so that our joy may be full. (John 16: 24). There are times we pass through difficult problems and would have tried series of human options to get out of the precarious situation without a head way. Sometimes when I am in such situations, the Spirit of God asks me if I ever had prayed about the problem. The solution to some knotty situations may just be a moment of prayer away, a heartfelt cry to the Almighty.
In 2Samuel 15: 30-31, David was been driven away from throne by his son Absalom. He wailed with his followers and he exits, and then heard the news that his witty counsellor had switched to his son’s camp. Rather than give in to despair, David uttered a sentence to God from the depth of his heart. He had no luxury of an extensive prayer, and God heard him. While not discouraging taking time to wait on the Lord in prayers, remember that He can do exceedingly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).
From time to time, we need wisdom to solve the challenges we are in: directions on how to go about our businesses and make the best profit in a godly way, steps to overcome some unprofitable habits we’ve picked up over time etc. The answers and solutions sometimes lie within us. Creating quiet moments to pray and reflect on the challenges will open our eyes to what exactly we can do to solve the problems. It also gives us inspired ideas on issues that had hitherto puzzled us.
As believers, there are times we grow cold feet on reaching out to souls and winning them to the Lord. There is the tendency to think of evangelism as something so robust and soul winning a difficult task to achieve, but this should not be. We can begin with looking around our circle of influence, and think of effective ways to reach them with the gospel. Brighten the corner where you are. Think of your immediate family- spouse and children, are you sure they are Christians, are you sure they are still standing? What are the steps you can take to influence them to take a stand with Jesus? Think of your immediate and extended family- mum, dad, brothers, sisters, cousins etc. Your co-workers with whom you work on daily basis; your neighbours and customers. Don’t always think too far, come nearer home and reach out to these close acquaintances. Think of what you want to do, choose few persons at a time. Be deliberate in prayers and interactions. Be sure to point them to the way of the cross.
You have God as your Father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. You have the promises of the scriptures and you have a mind to think and unravel issues, with God on your side. Want solutions to problems, don’t look too far, the answer is right there in your pocket. Reach out now!!