Good day brethren. I believe we’re all doing great. I believe our faith in Him has not wavered, especially during this close to five months lockdown.
I believe great lessons have been learnt from this sudden and unexpected event, which crumbled the whole world and brought it to a standstill. Hmm, did we think of it, that this is how rapture would have place, catching many people unawares. Possibly, many would have lost out, missing the first flight. Did you sincerely ask yourself afterwards, that if it was rapture, would you have made it?
Thank God that He has given us another second chance. We must walk circumspectly more than ever before. From now onwards, let us start preparing for home as if it will happen the next second. Let us sanctify ourselves and live holier, be more consecrated and be more dedicated to His course.
Tentatively, the devil must have lost out in this brief time, not succeeding in his forceful vaccination and certification of same. Our eyes should be wide open, knowing that he has not given up. He may be scheming and planning on how to unleash a deadlier and more dangerous virus, that will swiftly sweep people off the face of the earth. His plans over Christ’s Church will continually fail in Jesus name. Once the Church is raptured, the devil and his agents will unleash terror on the earth.
I pray God will help us as believers, to remain faithful, focused and steadfast so that nothing here (no matter the challenges we’re presently facing) will make us to derail.
Let us continue to watch and pray so that when our Lord and Saviour appears, we will be readily ready to go with Him. Our cares, worries and heartaches, will now be past, home at last, ever to rejoice in Jesus Mighty Name. God bless us all. Amen