Prayer is a wonderful tool in the hands of the righteous. The bible says the prayer of the righteous availeth much. (I John 1:9, Proverbs 15:8). Prayer reminds God of His promises and that He should fulfill it. The power of prayer has been explained better in the book of Matthew 18:18 – 20. If Christians know the authority given to them through the power of prayers, they will not struggle with worldly circumstances but report all in details to God in prayers and thus prayer has the capacity to produce the following results and much more that cannot be mentioned here:
- Prayers can go back down the lane to restore and perfect damaged destinies, it can renew the present and can restore the future.
- Prayers steer up the angels to action and interventions.
- Prayer brings salvation and miracles.
- Prayer delivers
- Prayer removes barriers
- Prayer is a mighty weapon to fight any battle
- Prayer calls God to actions.
- Prayer opens heaven.
- Prayer reveals secrets.
- Prayer brings one back to life and restores the soul.
- Prayers soften stubborn or hardened heart.
- Prayers change / break protocols and remove barriers
- Prayer is the greatest weapon against the devil and his agents; the devil himself fears prayers and will always target the prayer altar of Christians.
- Prayer heals the sick.
- Prayer comforts the anxious and those that are depressed.
- Prayer supplies our physical and spiritual as well as emotional and financial needs.
- Prayer brings protection.
- Prayer increases our faith and defense in Christ Jesus.
- Prayer turns impossibilities to possibilities.
- Prayer is the greatest connection any man needs to succeed.
The few that are mentioned here can be found in both the Old and New Testaments
Jesus (There are so many instances that Jesus prayed, some can be found in John 11: 25 – 26, John 11; 41 – 42, Luke 10:21, Luke 23: 34, 46, Matthew 27:46 and other instances in Garden of Gethsemane, blessing of the fishes to feed the multitude among others)
- Elijah (I Kings 18:30 – 46)
- Moses (Exodus 32: 9 – 14)
- Daniel (Daniel 9 : 3 -19)
- David (2 Samuel 15:31, 2 Samuel 7: 18 -29)
- Ezra (Ezra 10:1)
- Hannah (I Samuel 1:10 – 17)
- Jonah (Jonah 2:1, 4: 2 – 3)
- Hezekiah (2 Kings 19:14 – 19)
- Paul and Silas (Acts 16:25)
- Peter (Acts 9:40)
- Samson (Judges 16:28)
- Esther (Esther 4:16)
- Solomon I Kings 8:22 – 54
God loves sinners to repent from their evil ways but will not listen or give answers to the prayers of the unrighteous.
Pray with heart of thanksgiving.
Pray with the heart that defeats fear.
Praying along side with fasting
Pray with faith, without faith we cannot please God. Faith means relying totally on God.
Scriptural prayers: use of the word of God in prayer makes prayer effective because God esteem His words. His words must come to fulfillment.
Pray until you get clear result. Be persistent; Pray Until Something Happens.
Praying in the name of Jesus. Don’t use IJN in social media.
Involving other brethren for team prayers.
Above all, the main theme of answered prayers is to be set apart, to be holy, so that we will be able to use the powerful tool of prayer given to us as children of God effectively. May God help us in Jesus name. Amen