Prayer according to the interpretation given to us in the word of God, the Bible, is the evolving means of interacting with God, most frequently through a spontaneous, individual, group, unorganized or organized form, to make known our request to the Lord for intervention, help, forgiveness, solution or deliverance. (2 Chronicle 7:14, Philippians 4:6). Prayer is the act of communicating with God. (Jeremiah 29:12). It is a means of establishing our friendship and relationship with God as it is being expressed in normal life relationships. It is a precious and privilege given to us to approach God and receive from Him. (I John 5: 14 – 16). It is a channel God is using to attend to the physical, spiritual, emotional and other needs of mankind. It is a potent power in the hands of the righteous people. (I John 1:9, Proverbs 15:8). Prayer is the first tool of our salvation as we confess Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior. Therefore, prayer is a divine key and a commandment made by God. (I Thessalonian 5: 16 – 17, Matthew 6: 9 – 13, Matthew 26:41, Luke 18:1).
- Prayer is Unidirectional, it is directed towards Almighty God only. (Matthew 4:10, Nehemiah 4:9, Acts 12:5).
- Prayer of the righteous provides immediate or instant access to God.(Hebrew 4:16) because God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscience.
- Prayer is an intention, desire or voice known by God before it is being communicated to Him.
- Prayer is independent, all it requires is faith. Therefore, you cannot communicate with God without faith.
- Prayers can never be too much else it is not adequate.
Prayers can be done in different postures depending on the mood of expressing the intentions. It can be done standing, sitting, lifting up of hands, kneeling, bowing down, looking up, placing head between knees, lying down, prostrating, pounding on the breasts, facing the temple, at the church altar and others. (Genesis 24:12 – 14, I Timothy 2:8, Judges 20:26, 2 Samuel 7:18, John 17:1, Exodus 34:8, Daniel 6:10)
Prayers can be said anywhere, it does not require sacred places or ritualistic procedures. It requires the proper connection of heart to the Lord in faith. Prayers can be expressed in the Church, at work, in the car, in the class or lecture room, at the dining table, in the toilet or bathroom, while cooking, washing, in bed, mountain sides among others.(Acts 2: 42 -47, Matthew 6:6, I king 8:22 – 53, Matthew 26:36 – 44, Matthew 14:30, 2 Chronicle 13: 14 – 15)
Prayers can be expressed or said anytime of the day, all it requires is faith and total reliance on God. (Psalm 88:1, Luke 2:37, Thessalonians 3:10,I Timothy 5:5)
Prayer has no language barrier, God understands all languages. (Psalm 86:9, Acts 2:4, 11, Acts 10:46)
Prayers can be presented in various forms to God. It can be in songs and praises, in supplications, in fellowship, with fasting, offering, broken hearts and weeping, crying audibly, with the words of God, humble spirit with sack cloth among others. (Psalm 59:16 – 17, Acts 16:25, I Samuel 1:10, Psalm 34:18)
IMPORTANCE OF PRAYERS: There is need to pray always because;
- It helps individuals to get closer to God and more like Him (Luke 9:28, Luke 5:16).
- It is an act of obedience to God (I Thessalonians 5:17)
- It is a form of service.
- It is the solution to any kind of problem. (Luke 11:9 – 10)
- It is an act of communicating with God and shows us the heart of God.
- It helps us to tender our request to God. (James 4:2)
- It makes us wiser and promotes the kingdom of God.
- It makes us to gain more confidence and power. (1 John 5: 13 -14)
- It is Christians vital breathe.
- It supplies all our needs in any form because we can tender our heart and mind to God. (Phillipians 4:6)
- It saves us from trouble (James 5:13)
- It humbles us and makes us totally depend on God.
- It suppresses our flesh and make us worthy before God
- It reveals the wisdom of God. (James 1:5)
- It guides us to right choices. (Luke 6:12 – 16)
Prayer is the believers breathe. A prayerless believer is a powerless believer. Rather than worry and bemoan your lot, get down on your knees and pray. God awaits you in the place of prayer. He is willing to answer you. May we receive open heavens as we call on Him. (Amen)