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A resolution is the firm decision to do or not to do something. Being resolute gives the ability to correct our wrong doings or plan for the future. Resolution to do the right and live a life that pleases the Lord follows an encounter with Jesus. Resolutions without salvation will only frustrate those who attempt it. Power over sin and the grace to do well can only be obtained through salvation in Jesus. Zacchaeus made resolutions for restitution after his encounter with Jesus in Luke 19:5. Resolutions helps for perfection after accepting and realizing that the old path is bad, it gives the opportunity to change for the better and assists one to put a new zeal into goals necessary for more productive achievements.
As the year keeps rolling, people keep getting new resolutions and intentions for the year. They plan to drop bad habits like smoking, drinking, prostitution, stealing, night clubbing among others. But these sinful habits can only be overcome through repentance and salvation in Jesus. Families, individuals, couples, institutions, organizations etc set targets and plans for the year. Resolution is an essential element in individuals, especially Christians, even before the year rolls out into another. We need to always place our lives under divine examination based on God’s standard which is the word of God and His laws. In our attitude and relationship with others, and from the feedbacks we obtain, we should determine to be better individuals.
It is easy to make resolutions, but we need God’s divine intervention with the help of the Holy Spirit to fulfill it. Proverb 16:9 says the heart of man plans his ways, but the Lord establishes his step. If we do not invite God, definitely, the space is so free and available for the devil. As you are planning to change from the old path to new, bringing up good ideas for fulfillment during the year, devil is also roaming about like a roaring lion, looking for whom to devour (1 Peter 5:8). The devil is ready to bring more temptations and storms to choke away the good resolutions. When a bad spirit leaves a man, he will keep roaming about, looking for abode, but when he gets none, he will seek for its former abode and then reinforce itself with other evil spirits, more wicked spirits to occupy the former host. Therefore, the latter state of the individual will be worse than the former. (Matthew 12:43).
God cannot be left out in our decisions and plans, if not, we will keep going back to bad habits. God says in (Jeremiah 29:11) that He knows the plans He Has for us, plan of good and not evil, to achieve an expected end. A house built without solid foundation on solid rock of Christ will definitely collapse. It is interesting to make good resolutions but it is vital to fulfill them. Here are some of the resolutions for Christians in the New Year:
- Read and meditate on the word of God daily, possibly complete the whole bible passages within a year.
- Evangelize and bring more people into the light of God.
- Give and help the needy.
- Give the place of worship a priority and not forsake weekly church programs.
- Ignite the altar and fire of prayer,
- Move forward academically, in business and career among others.
Some of the steps in fulfilling these pleasant resolutions rest on inviting and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead by committing all our plans into His care. The bible says that we should not lean on our own understanding, in all our ways, we should acknowledge Him (Proverbs 3:5 – 6). Good time management should be our focus, time is vital, it ticks away without noticing; hold yourself accountable at intervals to be sure you are working towards your goal. Strive to avoid procrastination. Move with genuine God fearing people that will encourage your good plans, avoid going back to old bad friends and path that can pollute your good intentions.
Always get busy at something good else the devil finds you a job; he does for idle hands. Pray without ceasing (I Thessalonian 5:17), through prayers, we move closer to God daily and he leads us aright. We should learn when to speak and when to be silent, pray and work in the wisdom of God. Seek Godly wisdom, especially when in doubts or feeling confused, it is wise to ask and look before we leap. Develop the habit of writing out your plans and budgets daily, it guides in the use of your time and helps you to aim wisely, it also encourages prudency in spending your time. Cut off pride, it goes before destruction. Above all, hold unto God tightly and He will definitely uphold us. May God help us to fulfill our resolutions in His will in Jesus name. Amen.