It was the end of Sunday service at the international headquarters of Sis Dilfy’s Church. She walked behind a fellow sister who held her little toddler of about 3 years as they made their way towards the stairs in the crowd. The little child struggled and would want to hold the mother’s hand rather than allow her mum do the holding. The mother said in a loving and gentle way ‘what do you know that you want to hold my hand, let me do the holding’. Sis Dilfy then remembered how believers do this many a times. We struggle with God as we walk through life’s journey rather than let God do the holding.
In our day-to-day endeavour, the Holy Spirit speaks to us in ways we are already familiar with. He is the Alpha and Omega and so knows the end of the day, even before we wake up from bed. In His love, He directs but we sometimes prove stubborn. He gives daily directions- the clothes we wear, the route to take, what to take along and all the other details in our day-to-day life. Sometimes, out of insensitivity and stubbornness, we argue and later say ‘Had I known’ when the chips are down.
This Life is a wide sea and a big wilderness. We are just humans and do not know our way without a guide. God wants to be our guide, especially when we want to make major decisions such as who do we get married to, where do we enroll our kids for school, should we relocate our family to, which career path to pursue and the likes. We must never think we know it all. God sees farther into the future much more than we do. We must ask Him to lead the way and be our guide. We must also be willing to carry out His instructions to the letter.
If He must lead, we must put ourselves into a position to hear from Him. Sometimes we enjoy human companies and associations than to be with God. We would rather chat and discuss with friends than spend time with God. We would rather play music and dance along than spend moments on our knees to supplicate and intercede on difficult and challenging issues. We would rather pray congregationally and attend bible studies than spend quality time on our own to dig into the scriptures. Don’t misunderstand me, all these activities are fine but we must go beyond them. There is no way we can be sensitive to the spirit if all our lives are spent in the company of other humans while neglecting spending time alone with God. We would be clearer on life’s issues if we do. We can hear Him better if we wait on Him. We can perceive Him better if we spend the time fasting to wait on our maker.