Kitty sat in front of her television screen to keep up with recent happenings in her nation. The scene showed an event where the Prime Minister addressed a religious gathering. Right at this leader’s back was a hefty man in an army uniform with a dark pair of glasses on, he must surely be alert at every move around her. He was her bodyguard. Kitty’s mind flashed back to a renowned traditional ruler from another continent she once saw on social media with a robotic bodyguard, whose sight, gaze and gait were terrifying. These rulers did all of these to ensure their security. Although highly placed, their sense of insecurity was as quite high as their position. She then looked at herself as the child of the Most-High God, the King of Kings. She lives in absolute peace and calm assurance that the invisible heavenly angels are on guard.
The world at this age has grown in levels of insecurity. From domestic, to communal, societal and spiritual. Even forces of nature are against this present age- pandemics, disasters and climate changes (Mathew 24:6&7) If there is a time when humanity is bedevilled with fear, I think it is this age but we need not fear as believers. As children of God, He watches over us as the apple of His eye (Zechariah 2:8). No one will open his eye and allow another to pierce it with a needle without a quick defence. When Elisha’s servant was afraid of the chariots for their arrest sent in by the king, Elisha prayed that the Lord opens his eye to see a superior army which surrounded them for their protection (2 Kings 6:17). The Lord surrounds His people like mountains and like a wall of fire (Psalm 125:2; Zechariah 2:5).
Peter was also arrested for preaching the gospel and kept in tight custody to await execution the next day. The angel of God showed up, the earthly soldiers were fast asleep and he was rescued to safety. Remember, greater is He that is with us than they that be with them (2 Kings 6:16; 1 John 4:4). The Apostle’s experience does not just confirm this scripture but also reminds us of what happened on the resurrection day. The powers that be in that land wanted to halt the redemption story. They put guards at Jesus’ tomb to prevent Him from rising out of the tomb. They solidified their plans by also putting a very big stone to cover His tomb while the soldiers watched day and night. They were mistaken, an angel of God rolled away the stone, the soldiers were like dead men and Jesus rose in victory. Power surpasses power!
Don’t be afraid of whatever danger the devil poses along your path, just ensure you remain holy and at the centre of the will of God. Be saved and genuinely born again if you still toil with sin. Then you can say, they that be with me are more than they that be with them. Hallelujah!!
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