When all around seems drear
You are my hiding place
Great fears within without
You are my hiding place
Perplexities abound
You are my hiding place
In man is helplessness
You are my hiding place

You are my hiding place
Your word indeed I trust
You are my hiding place
In you I’m sure secure
You are my hiding place
I have no doubts or fears
You are my hiding place
You are my Shield my Rock

I will say of the Lord
You are my hiding place
My refuge from the storm
You are my hiding place
My God in you I trust
You are my hiding place
Though thousands by me fall
You are my hiding place

You are my hiding place
The greatest God you are
You are my hiding place
My shelter from the blast
You are my hiding place
Your name is above ALL
You are my hiding place
The Almighty I AM

Confess with me dear friends
God is our hiding place
So far you’re saved by grace
God is your hiding place
No noisome pestilence
Nor ill our souls shall know
God is our hiding place
Under His wings we’re safe. AMEN

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