Life’s greatest moments are but transient
Its wealth a vapour
Unpredictable are its happenings
Unsure its future
If a man for fame gives life his all
Yet is he not sure
Of what life will bestow tomorrow
So we should be wise
Get all wealth and fame life can afford
Life will leave someday
Children houses beauty all good things
Someday you’ll leave them
All the time in life for self alone
None for Christ the Lord
Should you go this way my friend be sure
A pauper you are
When you’re gone your reward friend to face
What will be your lot
Face to face your Creator you will see
Your account to give
If in life you lived for Him alone
Then you will rejoice
If for self alone you lived and died
Then you will regret
Now you can repent and make amends
For it’s not too late
Live for God and spend your all for Him
For now still you may
Then when it is time to go away
There’ll be no regrets
For your life you’ve lived for God alone
And Heaven you’ll gain
© Pause and ponder