Sometimes we feel so weak and frail
We think His mercy won’t prevail
When our dear Saviour we have failed
Although for His grace we have prayed
Sometimes our paths so dreary seem
So close the tempter and his team
Trying so hard to drag us in
Into the world and all its din
Sometimes our answers seem delayed
Despite the pray’rs to God we’ve made
Sometimes we feel oh so dismayed
Despite the efforts we’ve displayed
Sometimes the troubles like a flood
Keeps rushing in to ruin our world
Despite the storms we can’t be floored
For sure’s the promise in His word
Sometimes our friends don’t feel our pain
They think our actions are our bane
We bear the reproach all alone
To criticisms we are prone
Sometimes we feel the journey long
The race to Heaven so prolonged
It seems we can’t keep holding on
Despite the years of journeying on
Sometimes things seem not to work out
Strong then the weariness and doubt
No hope within no hope without
All that’s light just seem going out
In the midst of the fiery night
There stands our Saviour in His might
Saying my child keep on the fight
Soon for your sake shall shine the light
Smile in the storm sing the glad song
Your Saviour’s arms are very strong
Keep journeying on, keep hope alive
At last in Heaven we’ll arrive
There is no crown without a cross
Never lose heaven for earth’s dross
All our trials will soon be done
We will soon hear our Lord’s well done. Amen
*To all the saints facing one life’s challenge or the other: cheer up, it will soon be over!*
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