Someone needs your love
Your cheerful smile and caring heart
Someone close to you
You never knew is sad and lone
Someone needs your care
They’re struggling through life all alone
Wishing for someone
To say my friend how do you do
Someone needs your talk
They seem all alone in the world
They need to be told
They are beloved and needed too
Someone needs your ear
To listen to their silent cry
To share in their pain
And to comfort their aching hearts
Someone needs your smile
They’re so depressed and full of care
And they wish they have
Someone with whom their cares they’ll share
Someone needs your time
Don’t rush along life’s busy way
Take some time to stop
And be that “good Samaritan”
Someone needs your words
That’ll reassure them life is bright
For all they can see
Are gloomy days and darkened skies
Someone needs a friend
A friend on whose shoulders they’ll lean
A good friend indeed
That’ll be a friend in time of need
Someone needs your pray’r
To have more strength to run the race
Their knees are so weak
They’re fainting from their fiery strife
Someone needs your frown
To get them back on the right path
When they’ve compromised
Decide the world’s bidding to do
Someone needs to hear
The Saviour’s loving words from you
When they feel they’ve sinned
And can’t be restored to the Lord
Someone needs be shown
The way out of their sin and guilt
The way of the cross
The way to live the Christian life
Someone needs a guide
To show them the right way to go
To show them the way
That leads to heaven’s endless days
Someone needs your help
Just look around you won’t go far
Before you will find
That very soul in need of you
© Pause and ponder